WIC/TANF service project
The TANF service project is a grant-funded state project run by the Indiana Diaper Bank in partnership with WIC offices across the state. The purpose of this service project is to provide assistance to those experiencing diaper need so that babies can be healthy and happy. This service project is for households who receive FSSA benefits including TANF, WIC, SNAP, and Hoosier Healthwise. Eligible families will receive 200 diapers every other month for 2 years for their child/children.
search for current locations
WIC distribution locations and interest forms to receive a text message direct from Indiana Diaper Bank. Please do NOT call your local WIC office. If you have additional questions please email
Over time Indiana Diaper Bank will continue to add additional locations.
additional information

What is needed on diaper pick up day?
A photo ID that shows a picture and name.
The person who signed up must be the person that picks up the diapers.
Bring your phone in case we need to upload correct documentation for proof.
We only bring sizes that are requested through preregistration. We do not allow walk up appointments.