Randall Newsome
Nov 27, 2020
INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — The Indiana Diaper Bank is hoping to fill a gap, bringing parents in need some relief for the holidays. Year-round the nonprofit pours into the community with free diapers and other basic needs and supplies.
The diaper bank’s CEO, Rachael Suskovich, says this year’s “Share The Love” campaign is even more critical with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
“It’s been a long year and we need to share the love,” Suskovich said.
During the campaign, which started in 2017, the organization accepts donations. Then they wrap and prepare the diapers to go out in the community. She says because of the pandemic, the need has increased, while their supply has decreased. That’s caused the 2020 campaign goal to rise to 150,000 diapers.
“We cannot do it without everyone’s help,” Suskovich said. “As a parent, we all know that it takes a little encouragement. We all have days where it’s a struggle.”
Suskovich says even if you don’t have the money, you can participate by spreading the word on social media with the hashtag #ShareTheLove.
“Just give your love, give your compassion and share the love,” she said.
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