our team
Kayree Williams
Program Administrator
Kayree Williams was a teacher for IPS and Washington Township schools for the past 11 years. She saw firsthand the real struggle families face in providing basic necessities for their children. She has always had a servant’s heart and believes we need to be the change we want to see in the world. She is excited to be part of the Indiana Diaper Bank Team to continue using her education experience as well as making a positive impact for the families in our community.
Activities of two young children keep Kayree and her husband very busy. The family likes to relax with movie & popcorn evenings at home, have weekly outings to a local Farmer’s Market in the summer, and are big fans of all things Purdue.
Jess Taylor
Program and Operations Coordinator TANF
Jess comes from a long line of community outreach throughout her many life and career chapters and finds extreme happiness through helping others, whether it be through education, mentoring, support in other non-profit organizations through running 5k’s, or community assistance.